Aquaculture is growing in importance as a smart, sustainable way to produce protein for a growing global population. This sense of momentum has entrepreneurs and investors all over the world taking notice, but the fact remains that starting an open ocean fish farm requires realistic expectations, proper planning and a lot of capital. In this webinar hosted by IntraFish, Innovasea’s experts discuss the financial side of marine-based aquaculture, including:
- Financial outlays and returns on investment
- What it takes to get to commercial scale
- Economic barriers to growth
- How to maximize profitability
Langley Gace, Senior Vice President, Innovasea
Langley Gace is senior vice president of Innovasea. Previously he served as President of OceanSpar, LLC, where he managed development of high performance fish pens, operating equipment and support services to leading offshore aquaculture companies.
Tyler Sclodnick, Senior Scientist, Innovasea
Tyler Sclodnick is a senior scientist at Innovasea and leads the geographic information systems program. He also spearheads the company’s research program, which aims to improve the efficiency and sustainability of open ocean aquaculture systems.
Felipe Ramirez, Business Development Manager, Innovasea
Felipe Ramirez has served as business development manager at Innovasea since 2017 with a focus on open ocean aquaculture. Prior to that he spent more than a decade at DSM Dyneema, where he was involved in aquaculture, commercial fishing and industrial applications.

Ready to take the plunge?
Contact Innovasea today to find out how our aquaculture and fish tracking experts can help with your next project.