Announcements | November 17, 2020

Innovasea Introduces Tiny V3 Acoustic Tags for Small Fish and Noisy Underwater Environments

BOSTON – Innovasea, a global leader in technologically advanced aquatic solutions for aquaculture and fish tracking, today officially introduced its new V3 acoustic telemetry transmitters, the smallest in its industry-leading lineup of fish tracking tags.

Smaller than a pharmaceutical caplet, the V3 is ideal for noisy freshwater environments like those found around barriers, dams and fish passage systems. It also gives researchers and scientists the ability to study both smaller species of fish and larger species that are at earlier stages of their lifecycle.

“With the V3 we’ve been able to shrink our advanced acoustic telemetry technology even further – and given it new capabilities to perform better in environments that researchers have typically struggled with,” said Mark Jollymore, president of Innovasea. “This is an important advancement in fish science and will help scientists better understand the behavior of smaller and younger fish.”

The V3 operates on the 307 kHz frequency, which makes it ideal for optimal performance in freshwater. It features a dual transmission system that lets researchers choose the best signal type for their needs:

  • Tracking a large number of fish in a small area, which provides a more accurate picture of behavior than traditional tags.
  • Opting for better performance in noisy or reflective environments.

The 307 Series also features the V3D transmitter, a predation tag that offers Innovasea’s groundbreaking ability to discern when a fish has been eaten by a predator. The patented technology uses an inert polymer covering that gets broken down by the stomach acids of a predator during digestion, at which point the tag begins transmitting a different identification code.

Both versions of the V3 tag work with Innovasea’s high residence HR3 Receiver, which can be deployed with or without cables, and with HTI receivers and data loggers.

About Innovasea
Fueled by leading-edge technology and a passion for research and development, Innovasea is revolutionizing aquaculture and advancing the science of fish tracking to make our oceans and freshwater ecosystems sustainable for future generations. With 250 employees worldwide, we provide full end-to-end solutions for fish farming and aquatic species research – including quality equipment that’s efficient and built to last, expert consulting services, and innovative platforms and products that deliver unrivaled data, information, and insights.

Learn more at and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Media Inquiries

Nicole Collins

VP of Marketing

A V3 tag next to a common pill

A V3 tag next to a common pill

Face of diver in blue ocean underwater

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