Oxygenation and Degassing
Customizable solutions to manage gas levels and maintain fish health.

Innovasea’s oxygenation, aeration and degassing equipment provide an energy efficient way to optimize dissolved oxygen levels and keep fish safe from harmful gases.

Gas Management Tower
Gas Management Tower
Innovasea’s Gas Management Tower (GMT) integrates different elements of our gas management solutions to perform degassing, aeration and oxygen injection in a compact system design. A combination of our cross-flow degasser and low-head oxygenator, the tower ensures reliable gas management for an extensive range of applications. Choose from either a free-standing or integrated sump version to suit your needs.
Our GMT is designed for RAS, partial RAS and flow-through systems that contain high levels of carbon dioxide. Fiberglass construction enables fresh or saltwater applications.
- Multiple water treatment processes in a compact footprint
- Safeguards against dangerous level of carbon dioxide within enclosed facility
- Sectional bolt design for easy installation
- Internals are accessible for cleaning and maintenance
Aeration and Oxygenation

Low Head Oxygenator (LHO)
Low Head Oxygenator (LHO)
Innovasea’s Low Head Oxygenator (LHO) is a patented, gravity-based solution that injects oxygen into the water while displacing carbon dioxide and nitrogen, achieving more than 100 percent oxygen saturation without the use of electricity. The LHO provides the precise level of oxygen desired while maximizing absorption efficiency.
We offer two types of LHOs: a round LHO for RAS and partial RAS applications, and a square LHO for raceway and flow-through systems.
- Maintains optimal DO levels without increasing total gas pressure
- Does not require electricity, reducing a farm’s carbon footprint and operating costs
- Designed to fit each farm’s specific requirements, including species type and feeding schedule
- Simple design enables easy installation and maintenance

Oxygen Generators
Oxygen Generators
The PCI oxygen generator is a robust, reliable source of on-site oxygen that enables the Innovasea LHO to maximize oxygen injection into the water. This low-cost oxygen supply produces up to 95 percent pure oxygen without a compressor.
All fish production systems where pure oxygen is required to enhance rearing conditions for fish and aquatic life.
- On-site oxygen generation reduces liquid oxygen transportation costs and lowers a farms carbon footprint.
- Reduces reliance on third-party oxygen suppliers to deliver
- Cost-effective method to maintain water quality and optimal growth rates

Ceramic Oxygen Diffusers
Ceramic Oxygen Diffusers
Ceramic oxygen diffusers produce high-pressure oxygenation for fish tanks. Their rounded design improves water circulation and oxygen transfer with ultra-fine bubbles.
Offer a short-term pressurized oxygen backup in emergency situations
- Patented air lift design produces oxygen enrichment unachievable by rectangular diffusers.
- Flow rate achieved with 25 percent less pressure than other diffusers due to its increased number of ultra-fine pores.
- Antimicrobial ceramic reduces algae growth.

X-Flow Degasser
X-Flow Degasser
The X-flow is a compact crossflow degasser that disperses water through a media bed removing carbon dioxide. A fan is used to draw air across the media bed in a horizontal manner, allowing carbon dioxide to exhaust from the water and ultimately the building, reducing the total gas pressure.
Often used as a stand-alone degassing solution before oxygenation occurs in RAS or partial RAS systems.
- Cross-flow design provides higher efficiency per pass and lower energy costs
- Harmful gasses are easily vented out of the building due to the induced flow of air

Vacuum Degasser
Vacuum Degasser
Innovasea’s vacuum degasser removes super-saturated nitrogen from source water by flowing water through a media bed under a vacuum. The vacuum column employs pure oxygen to displace nitrogen thereby lowering the total gas pressure of the water.
Typically used as a pretreatment solution for well or spring water that has high total gas pressure. It can be paired with our GMT or a stand-alone X-Flow to provide supplemental water treatment.
- Reliable way to remove high levels of nitrogen from water
- Situated outside of facility reducing the need to fit all equipment in a confined space 
Blowers and Fans

Our rugged air blowers are smaller, lighter, quieter and more energy-efficient than most makes yet provide higher continuous operating pressures and air flows. Regenerative blowers are often applied to larger projects that require up to 10 hp.
Fans are used in conjunction with Innovasea’s X-Flow Degasser to induce the airflow required to remove carbon dioxide. The flow rate can be adjusted based on output needs of each system.

Want to learn more?
Contact Innovasea today to find out how our aquaculture and fish tracking experts can help with your next project.