Highlights from an Exciting First Year of Innovasea Insights
Tomorrow marks one year since we launched our Innovasea Insights blog and we couldn’t be happier with the reception. The response from readers has been fantastic, and it’s clear we’re filling a need for informative, useful content about aquaculture and fish tracking.
Insights features the latest news, commentary and guidance from our deep roster of experts. It was introduced as a cornerstone of our new and improved website (Innovasea.com) and has become a go-to source for valuable, engaging information about fish farming and aquatic animal tracking.
If you like odd numerical patterns, you’ll dig this: The first Insights post was published on May 20, 2020 – and since then we’ve published 20 blog posts. Weird, right?
Generally speaking, a new Insights post appears every two weeks. Here’s a look back at a dozen of our favorites from the first year.
U.S. Aquaculture Gets Bipartisan Boost from Washington
Innovasea CEO David Kelly kicked off our new Innovasea Insights blog in fine fashion with a timely post outlining the U.S. aquaculture industry’s momentum in Washington thanks to recent actions by the legislative and executive branches.
Are Stronger, More Frequent Hurricanes a Threat to Open Ocean Aquaculture?
With the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season getting underway, Innovasea biologist Tyler Sclodnick looked at how significant storms are growing in both frequency and intensity and how that could impact open ocean aquaculture.
The 9 Advantages of Modular Recirculating Aquaculture (RAS) Systems
Innovasea VP George Nardi explained how our unique and proven modular approach to designing a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) not only saves time and money, but headaches as well.
How Phytoplankton Endangers Fish Farms – and the Best Way to Combat the Threat
With climate change triggering more algal blooms in our oceans, this piece was an excerpt from Jennie Korus’ white paper about the threat of phytoplankton and the danger that it can pose to farmed fish.
For Marine Biologist Greg Skomal, Every Week is ‘Shark Week’
To coincide with the Discovery Channel’s wildly popular “Shark Week,” I spoke with network regular Greg Skomal about his work tracking the annual influx of great white sharks to Cape Cod. Skomal has been chasing great whites off the shores of Massachusetts since 2009 – and Innovasea technology has been right there with him nearly step of the way.
Why Innovasea Is Leading Canada’s Ambitious Ocean Aware Project
Last year Canada’s OceanSupercluster unveiled the Innovasea-led Ocean Aware project, a $29 million endeavor aimed at developing new technologies to help maritime industries lessen their impact on the environment. It’s an important undertaking that will serve as a roadmap for other countries – and company President Mark Jollymore explained why Innovasea was uniquely qualified to spearhead the ambitious effort.
Chile Mandates Real-time Environmental Monitoring at Salmon Farms
The Insights blog broke the news about Chile’s decision to become the first country to require real-time reporting about water conditions in and around ocean-based fish farms. The mandate goes into effect in 2021 and has the potential to become a blueprint for other countries.
New Study Highlights Need to Broaden Environmental Monitoring at Fish Farms
Farm operators know how important it is to track oxygen levels in the water to ensure optimal conditions for valuable fish stocks. But a new study from Dalhousie University revealed that real-time sensors placed in multiple locations across a fish farm is the only way to get a complete understanding of what fish are experiencing.
RAS Management Basics: How to Avoid Trouble and Ensure Success
Recirculating aquaculture systems are complex and can be tricky for newcomers to get the hang of. Senior RAS designer Greg Beckman offered up tips and techniques to get a new RAS system dialed in faster so it will be running at peak performance and producing robust and healthy fish.
The Economics of Aquaculture: How to Maximize Return on Capital
Capital costs can be significant in the aquaculture industry. Tyler Sclodnick discussed some of the ways that both open ocean fish farms and land-based RAS operators can get the most from their capital to stay profitable. [This blog post grew out of a great podcast we did with IntraFish, so be sure to check that out as well].
How Hydropower Facilities Deal with Fish Migration Impacts During Relicensing
With hundreds of hydropower facilities in the U.S. due for relicensing over the next few years, Michael Sears explained how concerns about fish migration often rise to the forefront during the federal review process – and how technology can assist operators in studying migration patterns and mitigating any impacts their facilities have on fish.
Feeding is Fundamental to a Successful Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)
Feeding plays an enormous role in the success of any RAS operation and needs to be a constant consideration – from the planning and design phase for a new facility to day-to-day operations of an existing one. RAS designer Chris Manley outlined some of the key things that need to be keep in mind when developing an effective feeding strategy.
So there you have it: 12 of our favorite pieces from the first year of Innovasea Insights. Check them and out and feel free to share them with others on social media.
And stay tuned for more. Our editorial calendar for the rest of 2021 is chock full of great stories that you won’t want to miss, so bookmark the Insights page and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter to stay up to date on #InnovaseaInsights.
About the Author
Nicole Collins is the Vice President of Marketing at Innovasea and leads market strategy, go-to-market and communications for the company. Nicole is an animal and nature lover who lives on the ocean north of Boston. She’s passionate about Innovasea’s mission and excited to share her experience and insights on the Innovasea blog.