How To Improve Your Feed Conversion Ratio Ebook

How to Improve Your Feed Conversion Ratio – A Guide

Discover how to spot and address feed waste in aquaculture

Feed waste is the #1 thing operators can control

NOAA estimates that feed accounts for 60% of total operating costs – making it the top expense for most fish farms. 

Considering the major cost of feed, farms that can effectively spot and address inefficiencies in their feed conversion ratio (FCR) can streamline operations and increase profits.  

This ebook explores the biggest contributors to high feeding costs, and the actionable steps farms can take to resolve them.  

Gain a greater understanding of: 

  • Leading causes of feed waste: Whether it’s overfeeding or inventory mismanagement, several factors contribute to higher feed costs. Discover what to look for and how simple changes can drastically reduce costs. 
  • How technology can improve your FCR: From AI-powered cameras to environmental sensors and waterborne feeding systems, today’s precision aquaculture technology can help sites tackle the biggest contributors to feed waste.  
  • Tips for RAS and land-based facilities: We explore special considerations for land-based fish farms and share how to use this setup to your advantage.  

Plus, learn the surprising annual costs of each feed waste type and how much you could save by addressing farm inefficiencies.


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