Student Offer Program

Research with Leading Technology

The Student Discount Offer Program is designed to encourage graduate students who conduct aquatic studies in ocean and freshwater environments to experience the benefit of acoustic telemetry technology for their next research project.

By trying our products, you will be using the most advanced and reliable technology available today for fish tracking and monitoring. We also wish to support the research community and make our products more accessible by offering a deep discount to graduate students who may be facing funding challenges.

Available Discount Offers for Students

VR100-300 with Hydrophones

  • VR100-300 Acoustic Tracking Receiver
  • VH165 Omni-directional Hydrophone
  • VH110 Directional Hydrophone

This is a limited offer. Two to three systems will be awarded per quarter at the end of March, June, September and December to a maximum of 10 systems.

As an optional add-on, you may also purchase the VHTx Transponding Hydrophone at a deep discount.

Telemetry System

  • Five NexTrak R1 Receivers
  • Ten Acoustic Coded Transmitters (Non-Sensors)
  • One aquaMeasure DO – a compact, wireless underwater sensor that measures dissolved oxygen, temperature and tilt in real-time.

This is a limited offer. One to two systems will be awarded per quarter at the end of March, June, September and December to a maximum of five systems.

Application Criteria

  • Be registered full time in a graduate program of marine biology or related field of aquatic research.
  • Submit an abstract of your research project.
  • Provide a brief explanation of financial need.

Note that while we place strong emphasis on financial need, much effort will be made to ensure the systems are distributed fairly across various institutions and geographic locations. Innovasea has the sole authority to approve applicants.

Apply Today!

To apply, please email your name, contact information, university, graduate program, thesis supervisor, thesis abstract, and summary of financial need to If you are selected, we will contact you to provide a quotation.

Densely populated fish

Want to learn more?

Contact Innovasea today to find out how our fish tracking experts can help with your next project.