Hydrophones are used by fish researchers to listen for sounds transmitted through water and come in a variety of frequencies and options to enable detection of Innovasea’s full line of fish tracking transmitters. Transponding hydrophones have transmitting capabilities used to obtain unit health of deployed transponding receivers and to remotely release the VR2AR Acoustic Release Receiver and the Ascent Acoustic Release.
The VR100 Tracking Receiver and Deckbox require a hydrophone to actively track tagged animals and to communicate remotely with deployed transponding receivers (VR2AR, VR2Tx, HR2 and HR3).

Transponding Hydrophones
Transponding Hydrophones
The VHTx-69k, VHTx, 180k and VHTx-307k omni-directional transponding hydrophones detect pings from any direction and transmit in all directions. Available in three frequencies to enable detection of most tags, they are also capable of communicating with deployed transponding receivers.
VHTx-69k: 69 kHz
VHTx-180k: 180 kHz
VHTx-307k: 307 kHz
Operational Temperature Range
-5°C to +40°C (water must not freeze)

Omni-Directional Hydrophones
Omni-Directional Hydrophones
The VH165 and VH180 are omni-directional hydrophones that detect pings from any direction. The VH165 operates between 50 kHz and 85 kHz, enabling detection of all 69 kHz transmitters. The VH180 operates at 180 kHz frequency to enable detection of all 180 kHz transmitters.
VH165: 50-85 kHz
VH180: 180 kHz
Operational Temperature Range
-5°C to +40°C (water must not freeze)

Directional Hydrophones
Directional Hydrophones
The VH110 and VH180-D are directional hydrophones that detect pings from one direction. The frequency range for the VH110 is 50 to 85 kHz, enabling detection of all 69 kHz transmitters. The VH180-D operates at 180 kHz frequency to enable detection of all 180 kHz transmitters.
VH110: 50-85 kHz
VH180-D: 180 kHz
Beam Pattern ±10%
69 kHz: Horizontal ±20°; Vertical ±50°
180 kHz: Horizontal ±15°; Vertical ±30°
Operational Temperature Range
-5°C to +40°C (water must not freeze)

Want to learn more?
Contact Innovasea today to find out how our fish tracking experts can help with your next project.