Environmental Sensors for Fish Tracking

Monitor important water conditions to provide context for fish behavior.

In-situ environmental monitoring

Monitor a number of water quality parameters with easy-to-deploy wireless sensors capable of both logging and transmitting data.

Fish researchers use aquaMeasure wireless sensors as part of their fish tracking studies to monitor underwater conditions in real time to help them understand the effects that changes in ecosystems can have on fish and other aquatic animal behavior and mortality.

Along with temperature and tilt, aquaMeasure sensors monitor:

  • Dissolved Oxygen
  • Salinity
  • Blue-Green Algae (Marine or Freshwater)
  • Turbidity
  • Chlorophyll
  • Colored Dissolved Organic Matter
aquameasure dissolved oxygen DO sensor

aquaMeasure DO

aquaMeasure DO

The aquaMeasure DO measures dissolved oxygen, temperature and tilt in real time and also comes with an optional depth sensor. Low levels of dissolved oxygen can significantly affect behavior and lead to mortality. 

Download the aquaMeasure Sensors data sheet

Dissolved Oxygen
Optical Based Measurement [0 – 150%]

-5°C to 35°C (water must not freeze)

Battery Life
6 – 12 months

Approximately million records 

aquameasure sensor salinity

aquaMeasure SAL

aquaMeasure SAL

The aquaMeasure SAL measures salinity, temperature and tilt in real time. Different species of fish survive in varying concentrations of salinity by regulating their intake of saltwater. Abrupt changes in salinity can cause high levels of stress, which can lead to mortality.

Download the aquaMeasure Sensors data sheet

Conductivity Based Measurement [0 – 75 PSU]

-5°C to 35°C (water must not freeze)

Battery Life
6 – 12 months

Approximately 1 million records

aquameasure sensor turbidity chlorophyll blue-green algae

aquaMeasure BGA Freshwater and Marine

aquaMeasure BGA Freshwater and Marine

The aquaMeasure BGA measures blue-green algae, temperature and tilt in real time. BGA is bacterium that grows in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Negative effects can include low dissolved oxygen and the production of toxins, both of which can lead to high levels of mortality.

Download the aquaMeasure Sensors data sheet

BGA Freshwater (Phycocyanin)
Optical Fluorescence Based [0 – 4500 ppb]

BGA Marine (Phycoerythrin)
Optical Fluorescence Based [0 – 700 ppb]

-2°C to 35°C

Battery Life
4 – 6 months

Approximately 1 million records

aquameasure sensor turbidity chlorophyll blue-green algae

aquaMeasure TURB

aquaMeasure TURB

The aquaMeasure TURB measures turbidity, temperature and tilt in real time. Turbidity is usually the result of suspended particles of solid matter that make the water appear cloudy. Increased levels of turbidity raise water temperatures, which can be harmful to biomass and affect fish feeding behavior and welfare.

Download the aquaMeasure Sensors data sheet

Optical Back-Scatter Based [0 – 200 NTU]

-2° C to 35° C

Battery Life
4 – 6 months

Approximately 1 million records

aquameasure sensor turbidity chlorophyll blue-green algae

aquaMeasure CHLA

aquaMeasure CHLA

The aquaMeasure CHLA measures chlorophyll, temperature and tilt in real time. High levels of chlorophyll indicate the presence of phytoplankton and possible pollutants that can impact macronutrients and biomass levels.

Download the aquaMeasure Sensors data sheet

Chlorophyll A-Blue
Optical Fluorescence Based Measurement (0 – 100 µg/l)

Chlorophyll A-Red
Optical Fluorescence Based Measurement (0 – 500 µg/l)

-2°C to 35°C

Battery Life
4 – 6 months

Approximately 1 million records

aquameasure sensor turbidity chlorophyll blue-green algae

aquaMeasure CDOM and FDOM

aquaMeasure CDOM and FDOM

The aquaMeasure CDOM/FDOM measures colored (or chromophoric) dissolved organic matter, fluorescent dissolved organic matter, temperature and tilt in real time. Human activities such as logging, agriculture, effluent discharge and wetland drainage can result in varying levels of CDOM/FDOM that negatively affect the habitat of aquatic animals.

Download the aquaMeasure Sensors data sheet

Optical Fluorescence Based Measurement (0 – 500 ppb)

-2°C to 35°C

Battery Life
4  – 6 months

Approximately 1 million records

Densely populated fish

Want to learn more?

Contact Innovasea today to find out how our fish tracking experts can help with your next project.