Gain Key Insights into Fish Behavior
When studying the ecology of aquatic animals, many of the fundamental questions relate to location: Where are the animals? When are they there? Why? The answers to these questions can provide valuable insight into the life history of species and identify ecologically important events and habitats. This information can be used to ensure protected areas and species are managed effectively.

Monitoring Aquatic Ecosystems
Having comprehensive data on environmental conditions is critical when trying to understand fish behavior. Acoustic tags equipped with sensors show the environmental conditions at a fish’s specific location while our stationary aquaMeasure sensors track a wider array of environmental parameters across a larger area.
Overlaying this data with tracked animal activity may illuminate environmental cues influencing animal behaviors and habitat selection. And using fine scale positioning can help to identify foraging behaviors, spawning events and use of marine protected areas.
Unique Predation Sensing Capabilities
In addition, our new predation sensing technology lets you know when a tagged animal has been eaten. This enables you to study the impacts of invasive predators on native species, validate your survival models and separate tagging mortality from natural mortality.
System Recommendation: 69 kHz, 180 kHz and 307 kHz tags and corresponding receivers depending on species size and environmental conditions
Available Sensor Options: Temperature, pressure, acceleration, predation, environmental conditions, data storage
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Contact Innovasea today to find out how our fish tracking experts can help with your next project.