Secure Cloud Communications for Aquaculture
All the information from aquaMeasure sensors is sent to the aquaHub, which can be mounted on existing pen infrastructure or on a feed barge. Roughly the size of a shoebox, the aquaHub uploads the data to the cloud via cellular, Wi-Fi or Iridium satellite.
Protected by a rugged, waterproof housing, the aquaHub can withstand rough open ocean conditions and operate in temperatures that range from -5° to 50° C. It can support up to 100 aquaMeasure sensors spread over a 500-meter radius and features internal memory for backup purposes, meaning your data stays secure at all times.

Solar-Powered Communications Buoy Ideal for Remote Sites
Our solar-powered Power and Communications Buoy is perfect for remote locations or large sites requiring close proximity to a grid of fish pens. The buoy houses the aquaHub and other monitors and transmits data to the cloud via cellular network, satellite or marine broadband radio.

Ready to learn more?
Contact Innovasea today to find out how our aquaculture experts can help with your next project.